Vision & Mission


The Doctor of Medicine and Health Study Program of the Diponegoro Faculty of Medicine is a study program that excels in translational research in the field of Medicine and Health in 2020.


  1. Organizing Doctoral Study Programs in Medical and Health sciences that prioritize ethics and morals and according to national and or international standards.
  2. Carrying out quality translational research in the field of medicine and health and published in reputable international scientific journals and / or Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
  3. Carry out community service in the field of medicine and health for services and application of research results in order to empower the community to improve health status,
  4. Organizing professional, credible, transparent, accountable, fair and responsible governance to improve the quality of the Tridharma of Higher Education.


  1. Producing Doctorates with ethical and moral skills as well as academic abilities that can compete at the national and international levels,
  2. Produce quality translational research in the field of medicine and health and published in reputable international scientific journals and / or produce Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),
  3. Implementation of community service in the field of medicine and health for services and application of research results in order to empower people to improve health status,
  4. Implementation of professional, credible, transparent, accountable, just and responsible governance.