August 9th, 2023, Semarang – The Medical and Health Sciences Doctoral Study Program (DIKK) held a workshop with a leading resource person, Prof. dr. Rr. Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih, MA, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., to evaluate the implementation of the 2020 curriculum and formulate learning for the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. This work was carried out in order to accommodate the most recent innovations in medical education.

The ceremony, held on the third level of the FK Postgraduate Building, Dr Kariadi Hospital Education Complex, was attended by lecturers and teaching staff from the DIKK Study Program, as well as faculty leaders who were involved in curriculum decisions. Prof. dr. Rr. Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih, MA, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., the main resource person, covered relevant themes about medical education in doctorate education and the MEDU curriculum in the DIKK study program.

Prof. Titi Savitri’s talk provides an in-depth explanation of the history of medical education, emphasizes worldwide trends, and provides viewpoints pertinent to local conditions. Discussions were also given plenty of room, allowing individuals to actively participate and discuss ideas.

The outcomes of stakeholder talks and input from resource people and faculty leaders are then used to revise the DIKK Study Program curriculum. The 2020 curriculum update includes new courses aligned with the National Higher Education Standards (SN-DIKTI). The inclusion of two credits of Medical Education courses is one of the most notable developments.

“The goal of this Medical Education course is to improve the quality of doctoral education in the fields of medicine and health.” “With a solid educational foundation, doctoral students will be better prepared to face challenges in the professional world,” stated Prof. Titi Savitri.

Faculty leaders highlighted their commitment to improving educational quality and adjusting the curriculum to the most recent advancements. It is believed that this upgrade would benefit not only students but also the medical community as a whole.

With the conclusion of this workshop, the DIKK Study Program is moving forward with a more relevant and complete curriculum, ready to offer a generation of competent and ready-to-compete doctors on a worldwide scale.