oleh Admin | Sep 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Semarang, 8 September 2023 – Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan (DIKK) menerima kehormatan atas kehadiran Auditor 1, Nur Setiawati Dewi, S.Kp, M.Kep., Sp.Kom., PhD, dan Auditor 2, Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep, MN, dalam rangka Visitasi Akreditasi...
oleh Admin | Okt 6, 2022 | Publikasi, Uncategorized
Budi Setiawan, Rosalina Rosalina ,Eko Adhi Pangarsa , Damai Santosa, Catharina Suharti Background: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a frequent complication in cancer patients and is the second leading cause of death. The high level of C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute...
oleh Admin | Sep 11, 2022 | Berita, Publikasi
AbstractBackground: There is a high incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) among cancer patients undergoingchemotherapy. Chemotherapy-induced vascular endothelial cell activation (VECA) is characterized by increasedplasma levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and...
oleh Admin | Agu 12, 2022 | Berita, Uncategorized
oleh Admin | Mei 27, 2022 | Berita, Hot News, Uncategorized
oleh Admin | Mei 20, 2022 | Berita, Uncategorized